Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Search Begins

Hello from the free WiFi of Subway.

I've been here nearly four hours, I believe. After I ate and nabbed a table near an outlet, I applied for a local temp agency and three PR-type positions, two in Houston, one in Austin. 

I'd forgotten how annoying it is to enter the same information over and over on different sites, and I didn't expect a customer service/sales rep application to include a questionnaire that seemed very interested in my ability to do math. Some of the questions were:

[Sample questions deleted to discourage excessive post views from people answering the same questionnaire and just Googling the answers instead of actually figuring them out themselves.]

All were multiple choice, and I only guessed on the airplane one (there was a whole other page, as well, and included questions about percentages and volume). Thank goodness I didn't forget all my middle-school math skills!

I'll be back at the same thing - applying like a madwoman - tomorrow. But now, I really have to pee and I'm tired. So, because I've been so productive today (also visited the Workforce Center and applied for unemployment. Take that, old boss), I'm going to go home and either clean or lay down for a few hours before aikido tonight.  

I hope this taking charge stuff pays off well. I'd really like to start my life over in a happier place, with a more enjoyable job. But I guess we shall see. 

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