I am engaged with my life again.
No, I still haven't gotten back into crafting. Or recreational writing. And the new apartment is still a mess.
But I have 20 basil sprouts, a daisy plant that shouldn't have come back this year but is blooming like crazy, a sweet potato plant with leaves like KA-POW, and a smattering of lavender seedlings coming up.
Oh, and I'm now a pet mom.
Brian and I were at Petsmart Saturday to look at rodents. I told him how I had wanted one since I was 13 and would like to hold one of the cuties they had out. He tracked down an associate and asked if we could. The minute that rat started sniffing his hand, the mushy side of Brian took over. He was enamored and, well, we left the store a bit poorer, but with a rat, cage, litterbox, food, litter and chews.
The next day we went to Waco to pick up a larger cage from my friend Jennifer.
Grace is settling down well. She is a bit scared of the wheel we added to the cage last night, but I'm sure she'll warm up to it eventually. I am excited to teach her tricks. On my list: come to her name, sit up on command, and the first four steps of the aikido walk. My aikido teacher actually heard that and gave me a challenge: see who learns the walk first, my rat or his 5-year-old daughter. We'll see how that goes...
She loves to climb, explore and search things out. Last night, she figured out how to jump, making our testcapade in the bathtub a sudden game of "don't let her out!"
But aside of the plants and the pet, things are going well. A get-together is in the works for a few weekends from now. I'm being more social at work. Generally surviving each day by more than the skin of my teeth, which is fantastic. Even Brian is getting back earlier, so we watch tv or movies together at night.
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