Monday, June 17, 2013

Keeping the candle of contentment akindle... around others' darkness

I honestly don't know if I had a legitimate urge to blog, or I just really don't feel like doing what I should be at the moment.

In any case, here I am. Tomorrow will mark three months in the "new" job, if it still counts as new at this point. Still enjoying it, still loving the new town so much more than the old one, and generally being at peace with where I am for the time being.

Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the people around me.

The person I spend the most time with is in utter disdain with his current life situation. I completely understand and empathize with him, but I can only say "that sucks, hon," so many times. 

Of course I'm keen on him taking steps to get into a better situation, but sometimes I wonder if he just enjoys having something to complain about. I'm starting to feel like most of our discussions are on the same three topics: job, people that bug him, and me nagging that he leaves his stuff all over the apartment (namely, clothing in the kitchen, so I can't be blamed for being uptight!). 

We talk about him going back to school, but the issue of funding and what to study constantly roadblock any planning. He can't quit his job because he wants to have another one to turn to right away. But he can't apply for others because he's so tired by the time he gets home.

I am concerned that he doesn't have enough to be happy about in life. I suggest he try a church in the area, but he has halfhearted opposition to that too. So I'm starting to feel stuck in his rut. 

Would it push him in the direction of trying something new and enjoyable if I went off and found something for myself too? I've been considering something like kickboxing, Pilates or an art class, but just haven't gotten around to doing the proper research. Probably because I spend all my internet time at work looking at funny pictures or reading horror stories of customer service (in between legitimate article research, of course). Actually, while waiting on a meeting to start, I ordered a new skirt for work. Kind of excited for that to arrive in a few weeks. 

There I go veering off topics again. Ah well. Here's a parting photo that's totally not related:

Until next time.

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