Friday, April 17, 2015

Pushing up!

Huzzah! Progress on the push up front!

Wednesday night Brian and I performed the exhaustion test that concludes the second week (or in our case, month) of the program.

I, who managed 11 measley push ups in the initial test on March 1, eeked out a whole 26 before the muscles in my arms started to burn so bad I couldn't push up any more. In mathy words, that's approximately a 136 percent increase in push up ability (according to a calculator I found online).

Brian performed 21 push ups in our initial test and managed to do 40 on Wednesday's exhaustion test. (That's a 90 percent increase in push ups performed.)

It's crazy. We have gone from this:

 Brian: already a .38, at least. Audrey: Wimpy wimpy, water pistol. (March 3)


Okay, I know that it may not be very impressive, but my arms are getting stronger from doing this. I just have to stay on top of it. When we started Week 2 of the program, I was doing okay. Then we managed to not move on again for a week. Re-doing the same day was torture, so we did Week 2 Day 1 maybe four times until I was competent again.

Even Brian started to have a hard time with the workouts in Week 2, but we are both continuing to move on at our slow little pace.

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