Oh, there she is, laying (lying? I've forgotten) back on the couch, looking at pictures of wedding dresses online.
Why am I up so late? Because I still don't have a full time job to look forward to each day, my dear Watson.
But seriously, I have a pondering: all these sites keep saying things about how the dress is what makes the "big day" so memorable.
Not the exchange of vows, the gathering of families, the freaking life leap you're taking... but the dress you wear. I swear, I'm already starting to wonder if eloping was the better idea.
I'm not saying some of these dresses aren't beautiful. Most of them are, in some way or another, but the sheer amount of options is staggering.
What I have pictured in my head is nondescript to say the least: typical white, probably A-line, sleeves indiscernible, and - what will hopefully make my gown at least somewhat memorable - a purple sash around the waist.
A dress designer site I found said it would look something like this:
That's it, I promise.
But we haven't even set a date yet, much less seriously looked into things like venues, guest lists or themes, all of which seem more important or memorable than the damn dress.
So why is it all I really think about?
Probably because I have no full time job to look forward to everyday and need some project (outside of filling out applications, because yay, fun) to occupy my mind.
Well, I'll update more on these wedding shenanigans as they take place. Really should go to bed now for another fun filled day of filling out fun applications tomorrow. Yippee.
Have a I mentioned I hate job searching?